With the support of community members, Chief and Council have created the WIN Children and Youth Curfew By-Law. It outlines the rules and regulations for young people under the age of 18 in Wabaseemoong, One Man Lake and Swan Lake.

This by-law is especially important during emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, and is in effect right now. Chief, Council and the WIN Curfew By-Law Officers will work with the community to uphold this by-law. Remember, these rules protect all of us.

  • Children under 18 years old cannot be outside of their homes:
  • Between 8 pm and 8 am during Emergency Measures Curfew Hours in effect now
  • Between 9 pm and 7:30 am on a school night
  • Between 10 pm and 8 am on a non-school night (unless they are with a sober parent or guardian).
  • If children are outside of their homes during these prohibited hours, they and their families will be disciplined by WIN Curfew By-Law Officers. This can include:
  • Being sent home immediately
  • Being escorted home immediately
  • Informing parents & guardians
  • Recording offence in writing
  • Informing RCMP, OPP and Treaty Three Police Officers
  • Informing Wabaseemoong Child Welfare Authority (WCWA)
  • Participating in Elders Justice Circle and/or Restorative Justice Tribunal
  • Attending a meeting with WCWA and others
  • Apology to WIN Chief, Council & community
  • Counselling & community service
  • A fine of up to $500
  • House arrest of up to 60 days.


  • If a child is fleeing from unsafe & dangerous situations
  • If a child is participating in a pre-approved event with adult, sober supervision.

While Emergency Measures are in effect
If you are under the age of 18, you cannot be outside your home between 8 pm and 8 am.

For more information contact:
Lance Sandy By-Law Justice Manager
Mino Kwaykaatiziwin Justice Services
Wabaseemoong Independent Nations
Email: WIN_ByLawJustice@outlook.com
Phone: (807) 927-2000 Ext. 232

This is a summary. Read the entire by-law, including appeal process here.